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selection of lubricants

Selection of Lubricants: Essential Factors to Consider

As we shared in the recent webinar with reliability expert Tim Dunton, lubricant selection is the first step in maintaining a successful lubrication program. All efforts to store, apply or reapply lubricants properly are only useful if the lubricant is right for the machine or machine parts. Tim discussed the main lubricant properties you need to consider when choosing lubricants. In this post, we also look into the other factors that affect the success of your selection of lubricants.

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sources of oil contamination

Sources of Oil Contamination: A Roadmap to Reliability

The prevention and control of oil contamination result in significant savings on the costs of lubrication, machine repairs, and downtime. And awareness of the sources of oil contamination is the first step to preventing and controlling it. In our recent webinar with reliability expert Tim Dunton, we discussed the importance of contamination control in maintaining a successful lubrication program. The webinar is a mine of information on the fundamentals of oil contamination, and the sources and ways to prevent it.

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bearing lubrication

How Oil Film Impacts Bearing Lubrication

Bearings are critical to the reliability of machines. A machine’s ability to perform depends on the health of its bearings. And maintaining bearing health depends on proper lubrication. In our previous webinar with Reliability Solutions’ Tim Dunton, we talked about the steps in achieving and maintaining a successful lubrication program. In doing so, we also talked a lot about lubricating bearings.

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