Data Protection & Security

Redlist user’s trust and rely on Redlist 24/7/365 to run multiple departments and millions of tasks every day. That is why we proactively safeguard our users to ensure they have safe reliable access to their data.  

Man looking at phone

Built On a Secure Foundation

Redlist is built using the Microsoft Azure multi-layered security platform to ensure the highest level of data security. With robust encryption and cyber security infrastructureusers can rest easy knowing that their data is safe. 

Security Techs Reviewing Server Data

Real-time Backups of Your Data

Client data is backed up in real time. In the event of data corruption and can be restored to any point in time with plus or minus 5 minutes of precision (within the last 5 weeks) in the event of data corruption. Outside of the 5-week window backups precision decreases exponentially (ie. only daily, weekly or monthly backups may be available)

Your Data Encrypted

All data within Redlist is safeguarded by AES 256-bit encryption at rest as well as in transit. Ensuring no one can access the data that helps run your business. We also use standard TLS 1.2 to aid in the secure transfer of information between your device and our servers. 

Geo-redundant Replicas

Redlist proactively creates encrypted real-time geo-redundant replicas of every database that allow for real-time fault tolerance. Ensuring that your system is up and running regardless of natural disaster.

We Secure Your Data At Every Point

Trust & Reliability

Auto Idle Logout

Redlist uses automated logout features that prevent unwanted users from accessing your account after you have left your computer.


We use detailed logs to help us continually track the performance of the system and proactively fix issues that the system may encounter.

Internal Security

Only required Redlist personnel are able to view and access your database to ensure your private information is protected.

Take Security Mobile With Our Apps

Mobile App & API Security

Mobile App Security

Data transferred from our mobile apps is sent using the https protocol over our secure API. Learn more about the security of our mobile app on the App Store and Google Play Store.


For Sensor Connections, we use a unique API key stored securely within a digital vault.

Strong Software Architecture

To get more details on our software architecture schedule a demo with a member of our team.

Built Using the Platform Trusted By

Redlist Security FAQ

SaaS is a type of software delivery that gives the user the ability to access data from any device with an internet connection and web browser or through offline modeIn this software model the vendor (Redlist) hosts and maintains the servers, database, and the code that makes up the application.  

Yes, at Redlist everyone understands the importance of security for our customers. We take strong steps to make sure that we are in line with industry-standard practices. Including, SOC-2 and ISO 2007. 

Yes, All data within the Redlist application utilizes AES 256 encryption at rest as well as in transit.

Yes, all Redlist data is held in geo-redundant locations. This allows our customers to access their data even if a server or database location is destroyed during a natural disaster. 

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