Mobile Device Management (MDM)

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In the past decade, there has been a dramatic shift in the way we use technology. With the introduction of smartphones and tablets, people are now able to access information anytime, anywhere. However, this shift creates new challenges for businesses. They must find a way to ensure that their employees are using company devices safely and productively. Mobile Device Management (MDM) is a solution that can help businesses address these challenges. In this post, we will discuss what MDM is and how it can benefit your business.

What is Mobile Device Management?

Mobile Device Management is an essential tool for businesses of all sizes. MDM is a software solution enabling businesses to remotely manage any mobile device, from smartphones and tablets to laptops.

Why is MDM Important?

More and more employees are using their mobile devices for work-related tasks. While this can be convenient for the employee, it can also create security and management issues for the business. Additionally, MDM allows you to control and manage your company’s mobile devices, which helps protect your data and improve employee productivity.

A Vital Tool in Your Transition to Digital

The most common concern that comes with a transition from paper to digital is how you’re going to manage employees’ mobile devices. How does it work if an employee changes a password before quitting, being let go, or simply forgetting it? Is it possible to prevent my employees from using distracting apps like Facebook or YouTube on company devices? If I invest in mobile devices, how can I protect them from being lost or stolen? This is where an MDM solution comes in handy. When your team uses these devices for sensitive or critical information related to maintenance, lubrication, or health and safety, these devices are a valuable asset to protect.

How Mobile Device Management Works

With Mobile Device Management, your company’s laptops, tablets, and smartphones are monitored, managed, and secured to increase data and device security. Setting company-wide mobile device policies is a simple way to keep devices safe and make sure they are not lost or locked.

Recovery of Devices with Forgotten or Reset Passwords

“Bricking” a device occurs when an employee leaves the company without leaving a record of the password. This term is due to the fact that being locked out of a device makes it as useful as a brick. In some instances, you may be able to get the password by contacting the employee directly, but that is not guaranteed. A former employee could be disgruntled, unreachable at their contact number, or simply not remember the password. When using an MDM, you can always recover your device.

Restriction of Unproductive Apps or Websites

Nowadays, technology is so advanced that many businesses rely heavily on mobile devices. The increased accessibility to apps and websites that genuinely lower productivity, however, provides a significant drawback. This is simple to control with company-wide device policies from a mobile device management system. You can set up all of your devices to only have specific work-required apps on them from a single account. Alternatively, you might restrict access to non-enterprise apps while at work. You establish the policy once you’ve determined what resources employees need to access to perform their duties. After that, without requiring them to be in the office, the system automatically transmits it to all devices.

Tracking of Lost or Stolen Devices

An MDM can protect you from theft, employee loss, and employees unintentionally taking a device home. Every mobile device has a built-in GPS location service that allows you to constantly track and find your device. You may even designate a digital “geofence” around the location where the device is supposed to stay, such as a workplace or construction site. Then, if a device is taken outside the fence—intentionally or not—an automatic notification is sent to find and retrieve it. Additionally, the device can be locked down using MDM software, and the program can also remotely delete any data from the device that belongs to your business.

Security, Productivity, and Time Savings with MDM

An MDM offers various additional advantages in addition to fixing the three key issues mentioned above. For example, it offers several time-saving benefits. You may automate the wi-fi setup process across all of your devices by configuring some simple settings. Without the need for staff to handle update management, remote administration of operating systems and apps guarantees that your devices are functioning at their best. No matter where your device is on a job site or a plant floor, you can even monitor battery life or request that an IT team conduct remote troubleshooting.
Everything is done over the air (OTA). Redlist is not an MDM, however, we are aware that many of our users access our software through mobile devices. Therefore, we vetted ManageEngine, a mobile device management program, to recommend to our users. For businesses with up to 25 devices, they provide a free plan, and for all other plans, they offer a 30-day free trial so you may try it out.

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