
Lubrication is a critical aspect of asset reliability and plays a major role in the longevity and performance of machinery. However, improper lubrication can lead to unplanned breakdowns, reactive firefighting, drained resources, and a culture of unreliability. That’s where LubeExpert comes in.

LubeExpert is a website designed to help you optimize your machinery lubrication and improve reliability. It offers a range of resources, including white papers, success stories, tips, advice, videos, blogs, and solutions. There is even a “ask a LubeExpert” feature (coming soon) where you can ask questions and get answers from LubeExpert mentors.

In addition to these resources, LubeExpert also offers the LUBExpert Essentials™ Training Program – a comprehensive, web-based course on ultrasound-assisted lubrication. This two-part program consists of 16 modules and more than 20 hours of mentor-led instruction, inter-modular quizzes, followed by an exam and a digital LUBExpert Essentials Badge.

Part 1 of the LubeExpert course covers theoretical and foundational knowledge on acoustic lubrication principles, while Part 2 focuses on implementation and strategy knowledge to help you create a world-class, acoustic lubrication program. Both parts are led by experienced mentors with extensive knowledge and experience in the field of lubrication.

Lubrication has been used to reduce friction for over 4000 years and plays a vital role in the functioning of machinery. Optimal lubrication can extend the lifespan of assets far beyond their original engineered specifications. However, effective machinery lubrication requires a deep understanding of the science and is best carried out by trained professionals. Which is where LubeExpert can help.

In the past, the role of the “lube technician” was crucial to the reliability of a complex. These experts knew the ins and outs of every asset and understood the impact that lubrication had on each machine. However, as the demands of the industry have changed, LubeExpert has identified that the role of the lube technician has evolved as well. Today, many organizations are struggling to find and retain qualified lube technicians, and the role is in danger of becoming extinct.

LubeExpert is here to help address this issue by providing the tools and resources needed to upskill and train a new generation of lube experts. With the right knowledge and training, you can become a LUBExpert and help your organization achieve optimal lubrication and improved reliability.

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