Usage-Based Maintenance (UBM)

Table of Contents

Usage-based maintenance (UBM) is a modern approach that seeks to optimize maintenance efforts by focusing them on assets that need them the most. UBM helps prevent inadequate and excessive maintenance, both of which result in unreliable assets and costly operations. 

What is Usage-Based Maintenance (UBM)?

UBM is a maintenance strategy that involves planning and implementing maintenance tasks based on the actual usage of a machine, equipment, or similar asset. In UBM, data collection is critical because this step provides the results that will dictate what maintenance you need to do and when to execute it.

Depending on the asset, UBM can utilize any monitoring methods, tools, and even sensors to collect and analyze usage data. Such data can include:

  • Hours of runtime or utilization time
  • Operating temperatures
  • Downtime limits

From these data, maintenance teams can identify and schedule the appropriate tasks to extend asset lifespan and reduce downtime and maintenance costs. 

UBM vs. CBM vs. FBM

UBM is distinctly different from other maintenance strategies like condition-based maintenance (CBM) and failure-based maintenance (FBM):

  • UBM – maintenance tasks are identified and scheduled after a certain time or degree of usage. UBM is often a part of predictive or preventive maintenance programs. 
  • CBM – maintenance tasks are executed when asset conditions do not meet pre-determined criteria. 
  • FBM – maintenance tasks are executed after a failure or breakdown has already happened.

The type of asset determines which strategies to use. UBM is ideal for assets that you use on an irregular basis or have varying usage patterns. UBM allows maintenance technicians to perform tasks on these assets when they actually need it rather than on a pre-set schedule. 

Steps of Usage-Based Maintenance Program Implementation 

Although UBM implementation steps can vary depending on the asset type and operating conditions, most successful UBM programs follow the steps below: 

1. Define Objectives

Clearly define the goals you want to reach using the UBM program. Examples of these goals are to reduce downtime, optimize maintenance resources, increase productivity, etc.

2. Identify Assets

Pinpoint the assets that are critical to your operations and can benefit from the UBM approach. Such assets can be those that have high maintenance costs, experience frequent failures, or cause major impacts on your operations when they fail.

3. Select Parameters

Choose the asset parameters to monitor and track asset usage. As mentioned, these parameters can be hours of runtime or utilization time and other metrics that reflect the usage of the asset over time.

4. Implement a System

Install a reliable system of sensors and monitoring tools on the assets that will collect data on set parameters. Ensure that the system collects accurate data and stores it securely.

5. Develop an Action Plan

Identify the parameter limits and the necessary actions once these limits are reached. Provide specific and detailed instructions on the type of maintenance, frequency, and materials required.

6. Monitor and Analyze

Maintain continuous monitoring and analysis of data collected to ensure the effectiveness of the program. Modify parameter limits and adjust maintenance based on the results.

7. Review and Improve

Conduct a regular review of the program for continuous improvement and flexibility for process or asset changes. Gather fresh insights, incorporate new technologies, and utilize best practices to further enhance and optimize the program.

Begin Your Usage-Based Maintenance Program with Redlist

Redlist’s CMMS or computerized maintenance management system is a modern tool that is a must-have for any competitive organization. This all-in-one platform allows you to manage your UBM program and other maintenance-related strategies. Redlist helps with accurate data collection with its easy-to-use interface, mobile access, and secure cloud-based storage. Its powerful computing system also provides data analysis solutions, helping you easily organize data and generate metrics for results-based maintenance decisions. With Redlist, you can now plan and implement complex programs like UBM and other preventive maintenance strategies with ease, accuracy, and a high chance of success. Request a free demo and experience Redlist today!

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